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Четвер, 04.07.2024 23:22
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Пятница, 11 апреля 2014


ITT Investment group
Прогнозируемое настроение рынка: Падение
Индекс UX по итогам дня: 1163,54+2,83%

Last closure

On Thursday, April 10, trades in USA have come to the end with decrease, as a technology selloff resumed amid concern valuations may be too high at the start of earnings season. Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. erased 6.2% after predicting quarterly profit below estimates. A gauge of Internet stocks tumbled the most since 2011. EBay Inc. dropped 3.2% after reaching a deal with Carl Icahn to end his proxy fight by agreeing to add another independent director to the board. A Labor Department report showed that the number of people filing jobless claims in the world’s biggest economy fell to 300,000 in the week ended April 5. Economists had forecast a decline to 320,000. The U.S. government's budget deficit shrank to just $37 billion in March from $107 billion in the same month last year, the latest sign of improvement in the nation's finances. The deficit was the lowest for the month of March in 14 years. U.S. import prices increased 0.6% in March from a month earlier. Economists had expected prices to rise 0.2%. On the day’s result, index Dow Jones has declined by 1.62%, S&P has lowered by 2.09%, Nasdaq has decreased by 3.10%.
European stock exchanges closed with decrease of main indexes, as a report showed Chinese imports unexpectedly slumped last month. In China, the customs administration reported that imports slid 11% in March from a year earlier. The median economist estimate had called for a gain of 3.9%. The euro zone economy will see economic slack persist until 2017 at least, European Central Bank executive board member Peter Praet said Thursday, suggesting that the ECB will maintain its easy-money policies well into the future. The Bank of England's MPC t its meeting on 9 April voted to maintain Bank Rate at 0.50 per cent. On the day’s result, British FTSE rose by 0.10%, CAC 40 (France) has decreased by 0.66%, DAX (Germany) has lowered by 0.55%.
Mays’ contractual price on Brent oil, decreased by $0.52 to $107.46 per barrel.

In Ukraine
Trades on the Ukrainian stock exchange opened by growth, day passed with positive dynamics. Value of the UX index has increased by 3.01% to 1131.52. Share trades capacity on the application market was equal to UAH 12.4 million. Trades capacity on the derivatives market was equal to UAH 8.7 million. Total trades capacity for yesterday — UAH 34.8 million.
All ten shares of an index basket have risen. Leaders of growth were shares of Avdiivka Cokery Plant (+5.79%) and Enakievo Metallurgical Plant (+5.01%). The National Bank of Ukraine on Thursday decreased the official hryvnia exchange rate from UAH 11.8784/$1 to UAH 12.6179/$1. The quotations on the interbank on Thursday as of 2:00 p.m. came to UAH 12.6-13/$1. After the IMF makes a positive decision, a wider movement of capital to Ukraine will open, the demand will be closer to normal, as part of risk will be removed, said NBU head Valeriy Lytvytsky.

External background at the opening is negative. Chinese inflation accelerated to 2.4% year-on-year in March driven by higher food prices. Producer price index fell 2.3% in March, accelerating from February's 2.0% slip.
The Asian indexes are decreasing today. Nikkei has lowered by 2.38%, Hong Kong Hang Seng declining by 0.68%.
Futures on American indexes are slightly growing today from 0.03% to 0.06%.
Russian indexes as of 10:00 a.m. are decreasing— RTS decreasing by 1.30%, MICEX lowers by 0.94%.

Our expectations

We expect opening of the Ukrainian market by decrease.
In the U.S. will be published the producer price index for final demand (3:30 p.m.) and the Reuters/University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index (4:55 p.m.).

ITT Investment group

Приложения к материалу:
Настроение рынка на 11 апреля 2014
7 1
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Аналитический обзор рынкаРост
Eavex Capital
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Дмитрий Михайлусенко, риск-менеджер Dragon Capital
ITT Investment group
ITT Investment group

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