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Thursday, 13 March 2014

Eavex Ukraine Market Monitor: Mar 13

Eavex Capital
Locally-listed Ukrainian equities were notably lower again on Wednesday (Mar 12) as no obvious resolution to the standoff between Ukraine and Russia over  the Crimean peninsula emerged ahead of Sunday’s secession referendum, and the main European indices in Frankfurt,  Paris and London each finished down by about 1% on concerns  that Western economic sanctions could be applied against  Moscow over the affair. The UX index slid 2.3% to close at  1030 points. The utility sector was hit hardest, with CentrEnergo (CEEN  UK) and DonbasEnergo (DOEN UK) dropping by 3.2% and 3.6%  respectively. Low-liquidity blue chip UkrsotsBank (USCB UK) tumbled by 6.4% to 17.50 kopecks. Azovstal (AZST UK) was the only blue chip to end in the black, rising by 2.8%. In London trading, MHP (MHPC LI) edged down by 0.8% while Ferrexpo (FXPO LN) rose by solid 3.5% after announcing a special dividend that caught the market somewhat by surprise. Warsaw listed Ukrainian agro companies Kernel (KER WW) and  Astarta (AST PW) suffered a second straight very bad day,  declining by 7.0% and 5.3% respectively.

Fixed Income
Ukrainian sovereigns were substantially lower again on Wednesday amid continued tensions in Crimea. Ukraine-23s declined by 1.0p.p. to 81.0/82.8 (10.8%/10.5%) and Ukraine-17s dropped by 1.5p.p., closing at 82.9/84.6 (13.1%/12.4%). Corporate names were mixed. Metivnest-18s  fell 1.3p.p. to 85.0/88.9 (14.1%/12.7%) while UkrLandfarming-18s improved by 1.0p.p. to 82.5/83.0  (17.1%/16.5%).

full report

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