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Thursday, 06.03.2025 08:45
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Derivatives market

Globally, all categories of investors from financial institutions to individuals tend to favour derivatives over other markets. Not without reason however, as the volume of derivatives trading generally exceeds the turnover in the underlying asset by tenfold. The appeal of the derivatives market has to do with the abundance of opportunities for investors pursuing all sorts of goals in the financial market. In addition, transactions on the futures market offer the potential of a larger return than is usually the case with other forms of investment. This is due not only to the leverage effect, but also to the absence of transaction costs arising when trading on the underlying asset market.

The derivatives market on the Ukrainian Exchange was launched on May 27, 2010. It operates on the trading platform provided by RTS with its proven collateral system and Central Counterparty guarantees, which has been operating successfully in Russia and demonstrated its capability during more than one crisis.

Currently the Ukrainian Exchange holds trading in futures contracts on the UX Index of local shares and options on UX Index futures contracts, with an aspiration to introduce futures on various underliers (securities, currency, commodities, etc.).

By way of promotion the Ukrainian Exchange offers mock trading in the futures and options markets.

Mock trading includes executing virtual futures and options trades in real time mode, in conditions as close as possible to the actual market without running the risk of sustaining financial losses.

Schedule of trading on the derivatives market:

Time Process
10.30 am Start of the trading session
1.00 pm – 1.03 pm  Intraday clearing session
5.00 pm End of the trading session
Start of the evening clearing session
5.20 pm Start of the additional evening trading session
10.50 pm End of the additional evening trading session

Copyright © Ukrainian Exchange, 2008-2025. All the rights for the information and analytical materials published on this website are protected in compliance with the ukrainian legislation.
Direct Market Access services are provided by the trading participants of the Ukrainian Exchange.
Tel: +38 (044) 495-7474. E-mail: info@ux.ua
Address: Yakubenkivska Street, 7-g, Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine