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Wednesday, 26.03.2025 13:43
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Securities Market

The Ukrainian Exchange has implemented the following technologies: order-driven market and repo market solutions.

Order-driven market

Basic principles of the order-driven market:

  • anonymous trading based off a continuous double auction, with settlement on T+0 and 100% advance depositing of securities or cash;
  • opportunity to chose the settlement day for negotiated trades;
  • DVP settlement in UAH as the only available settlement option.

When a trade is executed trading participants do not have to sign any paperwork because for this purpose an analogue of the handwritten signature is used. The securities sale and purchase agreement between the exchange members is executed in e-form simultaneously with matching of the two opposite orders. This enables trading participants to cut costs related to registration of trades and allows them to offer competitive brokerage commissions to end-investors that are reasonable even in case of minimum-value trades.

Internet trading not only eliminates the costs of submitting orders to the broker on paper but also, more importantly, enables market participants to respond to changing market conditions faster.

    Repo Market

    Currently a repo trade is the easiest way to lend money against securities, or the other way round. Though legally a repo trade is not a loan tool, it basically serves to lend or borrow securities and cash.

    It is very common for the repo market to be an OTC market. Virtually everywhere repo trades are negotiated and executed over the phone. Repo trades can be settled in off-exchange settlement systems, or, on the exchange on DVP terms with advance depositing of assets. The latter option is especially preferable if cash or securities are borrowed for further investment on the exchange.

    Benefits of executing repo trades in the trading system of the Ukrainian Exchange:

    • the exchange ensures settlement on DVP terms;
    • immediately after executing the first or the second repo leg both parties to the trade can use the obtained assets to trade on the stock exchange;
    • the trading system helps to calculate the price of the second repo leg taking into account the repo rate and repo term;
    • the exchange treats two repo legs as one transaction, and therefore charges the commission only for the first leg of the repo trade.

    Schedule of trading on the Securities market

    10:00 am Pre-trading period opens
    You can submit orders and enter quotes, withdraw assets and execute trades with deferred settlement.
    10:30 am Trading session opens
    Trades can be executed during the auction and by clicking a quote
    5:00 pm Trading session closes
    Trades can no longer be executed during the auction and by clicking a quote
    You can withdraw assets and execute trades with deferred settlement
    5:05 pm Auction orders removed automatically
    5:15 pm End of trading day

    Please, note that this trading schedule applies to all trading days (including Fridays and days before public holidays).

    Please see national holidays at Trading Calendar.

    Copyright © Ukrainian Exchange, 2008-2025. All the rights for the information and analytical materials published on this website are protected in compliance with the ukrainian legislation.
    Direct Market Access services are provided by the trading participants of the Ukrainian Exchange.
    Tel: +38 (044) 495-7474. E-mail: info@ux.ua
    Address: Yakubenkivska Street, 7-g, Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine