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Ukraine Exchange - The first exchange in Ukraine with direct market access and internet-trading
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Wednesday, 26.03.2025 13:38
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For Brokers

Connection to the Ukrainian Exchange takes only a few days

Any legal entity that has a license to perform professional activity on the stock market, i.e. trading securities, can become a trading member on the exchange.

To receive   trading member status, a broker must submit a set of required documents to the exchange and have an account with a Settlement Center.

Trading on the Ukrainian Exchange is simple, convenient and safe

Every Exchange member receives a username and a password which allows them access to trading. Connection to the exchange’s trading system is via the internet. Exchange terminal software can be downloaded from our website. The exchange’s trading system interface supports English, Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Trades are concluded in the "order-driven" market. The code of a market participant is not disclosed in the order book which means that none of your potential counteragents will see the details of your sale/purchase order. To conclude a trade it is sufficient to submit an order for the price that matches the prices of the offsetting orders in the order book. Partial execution of any submitted order is allowed. The number of securities in the order must be divisible. The divisible factor is determined in such a way that the minimal trade is 200 hrivnyas.

All orders in the order book are 100% secured with securities or cash. You do not have to worry about the settlement of the trade as this is done by the exchange and depositary is made on the same day the trade was executed.

The Exchange also gives an opportunity to settle negotiated trades. If you have agreed with another market participant on the price and number of securities on the telephone, it is fine to submit the details of the transaction to the exchange terminal.  The exchange will settle the trade on the "delivery versus payment" terms, saving you the worry of any credit and market price fluctuations risks.

The purchased securities can be sold instantly and the money received can be used to purchase  other securities. If  you do not have a sufficient amount of securities or cash during a trading session, your custodian can arrange additional "equipping" with funds at any time within a  session.

The Ukrainian Exchange: a way to expand your business

As it is not necessary to sign an agreement for each trade on paper, and thanks to  modern settlement technologies, the cost  of executing and settling trades on the Ukrainian Exchange is much lower than on the OTC market or on the "quote-driven" market. It will allow you to make mid-size trades and will service not only large clients, but private investors as well.

The trading system of the Ukrainian Exchange provides connectivity to DMA trading systems, which provide service to tens of thousands of people all at once, whilst giving them an opportunity to follow trading at their own discretion and submit orders to the exchange.  For many years this service has been very popular among private investors all over the world including Russia and countries in Eastern Europe. Now, thanks to the Ukrainian Exchange, DMA is accessible in Ukraine.

Vendors of the DMA trading systems available in Ukraine:


To join trading on the Ukrainian Exchange please contact Sales Department at +38 (044) 495-7474 or by e-mail: 

Copyright © Ukrainian Exchange, 2008-2025. All the rights for the information and analytical materials published on this website are protected in compliance with the ukrainian legislation.
Direct Market Access services are provided by the trading participants of the Ukrainian Exchange.
Tel: +38 (044) 495-7474. E-mail: info@ux.ua
Address: Yakubenkivska Street, 7-g, Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine