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Четвер, 04.07.2024 15:14
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Пятница, 16 января 2015


ITT Investment group
Прогнозируемое настроение рынка: Падение
Индекс UX по итогам дня: 1050,28-0,34%

Last closure
On Thursday, January 15, trades in USA have come to the end with decrease dynamics, after corporate earnings disappointed, while Apple Inc. paced a decline in technology shares. Bank of America Corp. and Citigroup Inc. fell at least 3.7% as both banks reported a drop in fourth-quarter profit as revenue from fixed-income trading declined. Best Buy tumbled 14% as the largest electronics retailer warned that price pressure and sluggish demand may hamper results in the coming year. Financial and technology companies had the biggest losses, falling at least 1.3%. Apple and Hewlett-Packard Co. dropped more than 2.7%. TripAdvisor Inc., Facebook Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. retreated more than 2.7%. Initial jobless claims climbed 19,000 to 316,000 in the seven days ended Jan 10. In the same week a year earlier, claims totaled 329,000. The sharp increase in claims marked their highest level since early September. The Producer Price Index for final demand fell 0.3% in December, seasonally adjusted. The Producer Price Index measures prices of goods at the wholesale level. On the day’s result, index Dow Jones has declined by 0.61%, S&P has lowered by 0.92%, Nasdaq has decreased by 1.48%.
European stock exchanges closed with growth of main indexes, after Switzerland's central bank scrapped a policy to artificially hold down the value of its currency against the euro, sending the franc soaring. The Swiss franc, seen as a safe haven investment, jumped 29% against the European single currency after the central bank said it was discontinuing the minimum exchange rate of 1.20 francs per euro after three years. The eurozone trade surplus narrowed slightly in November, official data showed Thursday, though a slight rise in exports offered a glimmer of hope for more solid growth in the struggling single currency bloc. The eurozone posted a 20.0-billion-euro ($23.5 billion) trade surplus in November, down from 23.6 billion euros the month before. Exports rose by 0.2% month-on-month, but this will not be enough to counter expectations that the European Central Bank will launch a unprecedented bond-buying programme next week to fight deflation in the eurozone as the economy falters. On the day’s result, British FTSE rose by 1.73%, CAC 40 (France) grew by 2.37%, DAX (Germany) has increased by 2.20%.
Februarys’ contractual price on Brent oil, decreased by $1.02 to $47.67 per barrel.

In Ukraine

Trades on the Ukrainian stock exchange opened by decrease, day passed without certain dynamics. Value of the UX index has declined by 0.38% to 1053.89. Share trades capacity on the application market was equal to UAH 3.5 million. Trades capacity on the derivatives market was equal to UAH 9.7 million. Total trades capacity for yesterday — UAH 27.1 million.
From ten shares of an index basket, five have risen. Leaders of growth were shares of Krukivsky Carriage Works (+1.65%). Worse than market looked shares of Raiffeisen Bank Aval (-1.28%).
Ukrainian automobile manufacturers made 28,751 vehicles in 2014, 43% down on 2013. The largest decline in 2014 was seen in the bus segment with only 906 buses being made, 63.5% down on a year ago. The share of buses made by Cherkasy Bus was 38% (347 buses).

External background at the opening is negative.
The Asian indexes are showing mixed dynamics today. Nikkei has lowered by 1.43%, Hong Kong Hang Seng declining by 0.92%.
Futures on American indexes are decreasing today from 0.07% to 0.04%.
Russian indexes as of 9:45 EET are decreasing — MICEX decreasing by 0.21%, RTS lowers by 1.04%.

Our expectations

We expect opening of the Ukrainian market by decrease.
In Europe will be published data on CPI in the E.U. (12:00 EET).
In the U.S. will be published core CPI (15:30 EET), industrial production (16:45 EET), and Michigan consumer sentiment (17:00 EET).

ITT Investment group

Приложения к материалу:
Настроение рынка на 16 января 2015
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Комментарии и премаркет этого дня:
Аналитический обзор рынкаПадение
Eavex Capital
ITT Investment group
ITT Investment group

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