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Четвер, 04.07.2024 07:28
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Пятница, 9 октября 2015


ITT Investment group
Прогнозируемое настроение рынка: Рост
Индекс UX по итогам дня: 843,48+0,73%

Last closure
On Thursday, October 8, trades in USA have come to the end with growth, after minutes from the Federal Reserve’s latest meeting indicated the central bank won’t be in a hurry to remove stimulus. While Fed officials noted the U.S. economy continued to improve, the committee decided to wait for additional data confirming the outlook for growth. The central bank had cited market turmoil and the threat of weakness abroad for keeping rates near zero. Speculation policy makers won’t tighten this year has torpedoed the greenback and driven demand for risk assets such as oil and emerging-market equities. Initial jobless claims fell to 263,000 last week, according to the Department of Labor. Economists had estimated that first-time claims for unemployment insurance fell to 274,000 last week from 276,000 (revised from 277,000) in the prior period. On the day’s result, index Dow Jones rose by 0.82%, S&P has increased by 0.88%, Nasdaq grew by 0.41%.
European stock exchanges closed with growth of main indexes. The latest account of the European Central Bank’s monetary policy discussions during its September policy meeting, published Thursday, showed officials believed expectations of a gradual recovery remained “fundamentally unchanged”, despite the China-led rout in global equities during August. Germany’s trade surplus fell short of forecasts in August, as exports registered their biggest decline in almost seven years. According to data released on Thursday by the country’s Federal Statistical Office, trade surplus, adjusted for seasonal swings and calendar effects, declined from €22.4bn (£16.5bn) in July to €19.6bn in September. The Bank of England’s October meeting decisions were just released, and as expected, it was an 8-1 vote to hold rates. That’s the 79th month without a change to rates. Analysts were overwhelmingly expecting the BoE’s monetary policy committee (MPC) to hold its benchmark rate at 0.5%. On the day’s result, British FTSE rose by 0.61%, DAX (Germany) has increased by 0.23%, CAC 40 (France) grew by 0.18%.
Novembers’ contractual price on Brent oil, grew by $1.72 to $53.05 per barrel.

In Ukraine
Trades on the Ukrainian stock exchange opened on neutral territory, day passed w without certain dynamics. Value of the UX index has increased by 0.23% to 837.37. Share trades capacity on the application market was equal to UAH 1.4 million. Trades capacity on the derivatives market was equal to UAH 13.3 million. Total trades capacity for yesterday — UAH 27.7 million.
From ten shares of an index basket, six have risen. Leaders of growth were shares of Alchevsk Metallurgical Plant (+6.40%). Worse than market looked shares of Krukivsky Carriage Works (-4.33%).
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission in Kyiv is expected to continue discussions within the framework of the second review of the EFF program for Ukraine in November, Deputy Finance Minister Artem Shevalev has said.


External background at the opening is moderately positive.
The Asian indexes are growing today. Nikkei rose by 1.64%, Hong Kong Hang Seng increasing by 1.06%.
Futures on American indexes are showing mixed dynamics today from -0.66% to +0.17%.
Russian indexes as of 10:03 EET are rising — MICEX increasing by 0.44%, RTS growing by 2.14%.

Our expectations

We expect opening of the Ukrainian market by growth.
In the U.K. will be published trade balance (11:30 EET).
In the U.S. will be published import and export price index (15:30 EET).
Speech by FOMC member Dennis Lockhart will start at 16:10 EET.

ITT Investment group

Приложения к материалу:
Настроение рынка на 9 октября 2015
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Комментарии и премаркет этого дня:
Аналітичний огляд ринкуРост
ITT Investment group
ITT Investment group

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