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Четвер, 04.07.2024 07:27
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Четверг, 26 ноября 2015


ITT Investment group
Прогнозируемое настроение рынка: Нейтрально
Индекс UX по итогам дня: 725,1-1,93%

Last closure
On Wednesday, November 26, trades in USA have come to the end with mixed dynamics. Initial jobless claims fell by 12,000 to 260,000 in the week ended Nov. 21, the Labor Department said, a healthy signal for the labor market. Economists had expected 270,000 new claims. The report was released a day earlier than normal due to the Thanksgiving holiday. U.S. durable goods jumped by a seasonally adjusted 3.0% last month, easily surpassing forecasts for 1.5%. Orders for durable goods in September were revised to a drop of 0.8% from a previously reported decline of 1.2%. On the day’s result, index Dow Jones rose by 0.01%, S&P has lowered by 0.01%, Nasdaq grew by 0.26%.
European stock exchanges closed with growth of main indexes, on a report about the European Central Bank’s considerations for expanding its stimulus efforts for the eurozone economy. Euro zone central bank officials are considering options such as whether to stagger charges on banks hoarding cash or to buy more debt ahead of the next European Central Bank meeting, according to officials. Little over a week before the meeting to set the ECB's policy course, numerous alternatives are open, from snapping up the bonds of towns and regions to introducing a two-tier penalty charge on banks that park money with the ECB. On the day’s result, British FTSE rose by 0.96%, DAX (Germany) has increased by 2.15%, CAC 40 (France) grew by 1.51%.
Decembers’ contractual price on Brent oil, grew by $0.05 to $46.17 per barrel.

In Ukraine
Trades on the Ukrainian stock exchange opened on neutral territory, day passed with positive dynamics. Value of the UX index has increased by 2.20% to 739.36. Share trades capacity on the application market was equal to UAH 2.1 million. Trades capacity on the derivatives market was equal to UAH 2.5 million. Total trades capacity for yesterday — UAH 9.6 million.
From ten shares of an index basket, nine have risen. Leaders of growth were shares of Azovstal Iron and Steel Works (+8.36%), Motor Sich (+7.15%) and Raiffeisen Bank Aval (+5.07%).
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is building up 30% of shares in Raiffeisen Bank Aval (RBA, Kyiv), the EBRD and RBA said in a joint press release. The EBRD and Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) will participate in the increase of Tier 1 capital of RBA by UAH 3.15 billion (EUR 122 million).

External background at the opening is neutral.
The Asian indexes are showing mixed dynamics today. Nikkei rose by 0.49%, Hong Kong Hang Seng declining by 0.07%.
Futures on American indexes are slightly growing today from 0.06% to 0.09%.
Russian indexes as of 10:42 EET are rising — MICEX increasing by 0.24%, RTS growing by 0.33%.

Our expectations

We expect opening of the Ukrainian market on neutral territory.
U.S. stock markets are closed due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
In Europe will be published GfK German consumer climate (1600 EET).

ITT Investment group

Приложения к материалу:
Настроение рынка на 26 ноября 2015
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Комментарии и премаркет этого дня:
Аналитический обзор рынка
Eavex Capital
Утренний комментарий 26/11Рост
Вячеслав Орлюк, руководитель направления по работе с VIP-клиентами Dragon Capital
ITT Investment group
ITT Investment group

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