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Tuesday, 08.10.2024 05:44
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Internal government loan bonds admitted to the 1st tier quotation list

On August 29, 2012, 2 issues of internal government loan bonds (IGLB) was included in the 1st tier of the quotation list of the Ukrainian Exchange.

List of government securities included in the 1st tier of the quotation list:

Ticker Issue ISIN Par value
UA39513 IGLB, index, redemption 13.05.2015 UA4000139513 1000
UA44075 IGLB, index, redemption 15.07.2015 UA4000144075 1000

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (044) 495-7474.

Listing news
31.08.12 Shares of PJSC "CUCIF "Dgi PI Ai - Future" to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
31.08.12 Securities of PJSC "CUCIF "Synergy-5" are transferred to the 2nd tier of the Quotation list
31.08.12 Securities of LLC "Insight Capital" series B are transferred to the 2nd tier of the Quotation list
30.08.12 Shares of PJSC "CVIF "Gorizont" UVCT" to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
29.08.12 Placement of registered trust bonds of PE "Buildgroupmanagement", series A, B, C, D, E
29.08.12 Internal government loan bonds admitted to the 1st tier quotation list
27.08.12 Placement of registered trust bonds of LLC "Budspecservis", series Z, AA, BB
23.08.12 Shares of PJSC "Ukroptkulttovary" to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
21.08.12 From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded shares OJSC "Galychyna oil-refining complex"
All news

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