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Change of ISIN code for several issuers due to dematerialization of securities

Please note that effective December 26, 2012, due to the dematerialization of the below securities their ISIN codes will be changed in the reference books of the Ukrainian Exchange:

Ticker Market Issuer Name ID Security Type ISIN Form of Issuance New ISIN
GPOD QD Hotel Podillya, PJSC 21327550 Common Stock UA2201161005 Uncertificated UA4000144364

You will need to update the relevant ISIN codes in your database accordingly after processing the report provided by the exchange on Tuesday evening (December 25, 2012).

On Wednesday (December 26, 2012) you will receive a report from the exchange with updated ISIN codes.

A full list of securities admitted to trading

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (044) 495-7474.

Listing news
09.01.13 From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded bonds PJSC "Kyivhlib", series A
29.12.12 From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded shares PJSC Industrial Association "Avtotransportnik"
29.12.12 Placement of registered ordinary bonds of LLC "Granit-Plus", series A, B, C, D, E, F, G
28.12.12 From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded shares PJSC "Ukrgazbank"
26.12.12 Securities of PJSC "Platinum Bank", series A are transferred to the 2nd tier of the Quotation list
26.12.12 Change of ISIN code for several issuers due to dematerialization of securities
24.12.12 Two securities to be removed from the Exchange’s List of stocks
24.12.12 Shares of PJSC "Gemoplast" to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
21.12.12 From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded shares PJSC "CNCIF "Effective Investment"
All news

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