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Eleven securities to be removed from the Exchange’s List of stocks

On February 22, 2013 the Quotation of PJSC Ukrainian Exchange has decided remove eleven securities from the Exchange’s List of stocks. This decision shall enter into force on February 25, 2013.

Exclusion of securities from the Exchange’s List of stocks takes place in accordance with §18.21 of the Trading rules of PJSC Ukrainian Exchange, and due to the fact that over the past 60 days no trades were made with these securities.

Ticker  Company  EDRPOU Code Securities type
POON Poltavaoblenergo, PJSC 00131819 Shares registered ordinary
MLIB Mlybor, PJSC 14226133 Shares registered ordinary
PLKZ Poltava Plant of Mixed Fodder, PJSC 00952189 Shares registered ordinary
UNIST SE Yunist, PJSC 00309246 Shares registered ordinary
VRHP Virivske hlibopriymalne enterprise, PJSC 05387446 Shares registered ordinary
IFLITO Kinto, PJSC 16461855 Registered Investment certificates
IFINPI CNIFCT Ineko-Direct Investments, PJSC 34714731 Shares registered ordinary
IFINRI CNIFCT Ineko Real Estate, PJSC 34714705 Shares registered ordinary
INEKO IG Ineko, PJSC 22925945 Shares registered ordinary
KMGP Kyyivmiskholovpostach, PJSC 04542755 Shares registered ordinary
HARP Kharkiv Bearing Plant, JSC 05808853 Shares registered ordinary

A full list of securities admitted to trading

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (044) 495-7474

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28.02.13 Shares of three issuers to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
27.02.13 Securities of four issuers to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
26.02.13 Three securities to be removed from the Exchange’s List of stocks
25.02.13 Eleven securities to be removed from the Exchange’s List of stocks
22.02.13 Placement of registered trust bonds of LLC "Service-Tehnobud", series D, E, F, G, H, I
22.02.13 Shares of two issuers to be admitted to trading on the Ukrainian Exchange
21.02.13 Ordinary registered bonds LLC "Leasing IT-SPV" series A, and Internal government loan bonds of UA64018 to be removed from the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange
All news

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