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Tuesday, 01.04.2025 02:12
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List of Securities

 Securities  Issuers 
Stocks78 75 
Bonds237 27 
Investment funds16 
Total331 109 
DownloadData in CSV
Order by: Listing level / Ticker / Name / Market
Ticker Name Unified state register
of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine
Type ISIN Nominal Value Multiplication factor Listing
1IFAFMAM Асtiv Invest, LLC35895829Investment Fund CertificatesUA400005367210010-
2IFFBDAM Асtiv Invest, LLC35895829Investment Fund CertificatesUA400005363110010-
3IFFROLCNVCIF Frontline, PJSC38901688Corporate Investment Fund SharesUA400017389211,000-
4IFGARKAMC Alfa Esset Management, LLC38213230Investment Fund CertificatesUA40001470451,0001-
5IFGRUSAMC Univer Management, LLC33777261Investment Fund CertificatesUA40001006971,0001-
6IFINOCINZHUR, LLC44154853Investment Fund CertificatesUA50000110404,0001-
7IFINSPINZHUR, LLC44154853Investment Fund CertificatesUA50000102651,0001-
8IFKOLOAMC PROFIT, LLC32733820Investment Fund CertificatesUA50000115451,0001-
9IFMUDRAMC Univer Management, LLC33777261Investment Fund CertificatesUA102622FB041,0001-
10IFOTAMAMC Univer Management, LLC33777261Investment Fund CertificatesUA40000473021,0001-
11IFPRFDAM Асtiv Invest, LLC35895829Investment Fund CertificatesUA400005365610010-
12IFREINAMC PROFIT, LLC32733820Investment Fund CertificatesUA50000115521,0001-
13IFSHEVAMC Univer Management, LLC33777261Investment Fund CertificatesUA40001007051,0001-
14IFTITOreola AMC, LLC37094052Investment Fund CertificatesUA40001158691,0001-
15IFVVELAMC Univer Management, LLC33777261Investment Fund CertificatesUA102622FA051,0001-
16IFZEMASC "СENDCIF "FUAF35235947Corporate Investment Fund SharesUA40000190951,0001-

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