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From the list of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange are excluded bonds Borispil city council, series A

On March 12, 2013 the Quotation of PJSC Ukrainian Exchange has decided remove bonds Borispil city council, series A from the Exchange’s List of stocks. This decision shall enter into force on March 13, 2013.

Exclusion of the securities from the Exchange’s List take place in accordance with §5 Section III of the operation of the stock exchanges regulations ¹ 1688 from 22.11.2012 due to the fact of no trades on exchange during the last 60 days.

Ticker Company EDRPOU Code Securities type
BRMR01 Borispil city council, series A 04054903 Local interest bonds

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (044) 495-7474.

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