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Ukrainian Exchange has conformed futures contracts on US dollar and gold with NBU

On December 19, 2014 National Bank of Ukraine has conformed specification of the Ukrainian Exchange’s currency futures contracts on USD/UAH and futures contacts on gold.

Oleg Tkachenko, CEO of Ukrainian Exchange, said: "Three years, Ukrainian Exchange and thousands of stock market participants were waiting for this permission. Now, the obstacles are removed, and we expect the implementation of these instruments significantly expand the range of market participants, liquidity, including in equity market section of the exchange, since the private and institutional investors will have a new opportunities for their investment strategies."

Regular trading of futures contracts on the US dollar and gold will expand the line of financial instruments traded on derivatives market of Ukraine. In addition, the futures contract on the US dollar will provide clear instrument to hedge currency risks for real economy sector.

Currently, specification of futures contract has sent to NSSMC (National Stock and Securities Market Commission) for registration, as soon as the specification will be registered, this instrument will be available for trading on the Ukrainian Exchange.

For further information, please contact the Public Relations Department at (044) 495-7474.

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